tank repair and maintenance service for biopharma

YourSite™ Field Services – HOLLOWAY


Looking for a custom quote involving tanks? Contact us here. 

With YourSite™ Field Services, We Can Perform On-Site Tank Remediation, Retrofits, Modification, And Fabrication To Eradicate Downtime And Streamline Your Processes.

  • Fitting Additions/Reductions/Modifications
  • Thermal Expansion Correction (Alcoves, Breast Rings, Legs, Outer Sheathing)
  • Heat Transfer Repairs
  • Vessel Leak Repairs
  • Vessel Polishing and Remediation
  • On-Site Electropolishing
  • Agitation Alterations/Replacement
  • On-Site CIP Testing
  • Vessel Volume Additions (adding 1,000 liters to a vessel)
  • On-Site Vessel Fabrication
  • Vessel Suite Remediation
  • Work on HOLLOWAY AMERICA / Precision Stainless vessels as well as other manufacturers’ vessels
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Blogs & case studies related to tanks

single use pupsit assemblies image 2

Single-Use PUPSIT Assemblies

If you are in need of a single-use assembly that meets all requirements for Pre-Use-Post-Sterilization-Integrity-Testing…